• 14 June 1941 – 45,000 people from the Baltic states were deported to various parts of the Soviet Union: 
- 18,000 people were deported from Lithuania to the Altai Krai, Novosibirsk Oblast, Kazakhstan and the Komi ANSV.
 - 17,000 people were deported from Latvia to Krasnoyarsk Krai and Novosibirsk Oblast and Karaganda Oblast in Kazakhstan.
  - 10,000 people were deported from Estonia to the USSR, Sverdlovsk Oblast, Kirov Oblast and Altai and Krasnoyarsk Krai.

  • October-November 1947 – 30,000 Germans were deported to Germany from the Soviet occupation zone in the Kaliningrad region, which had joined the Soviet Union as a result of World War II.
  • 22-27 May 1948: Operation Spring – 40,000 people were deported from Lithuania to Krasnoyarsk Krai, Irkutsk Oblast and the Buryatian-Mongolian USSR.
  • March 1949: Operation Priboi – 90,000 people from the Baltic states, western Belarus and western Ukraine were deported to Krasnoyarsk Krai, Yakutia, Tyumen Oblast and Kazakhstan.
  • May 1950 – Deportation of 425 Estonian and Latvian families from the Pskov region to Krasnoyarsk Krai.
  • March 1951 – 9400 Jehovah's Witnesses (including 4000 children) were deported from the Baltic states, Moldova and western Belarus and western Ukraine.
  • October 1951: Operation Autumn – 16,150 people from Lithuania were deported to Tomsk and Krasnoyarsk Krai.